Tuesday, September 17, 2024

All present tenses - gap filling task

1. Sarah usually ____ to the gym every morning. (go)

2. Right now, the children ____ in the park. (play)

3. I ____ my homework already, so I can go out now. (finish)

4. He ____ this book for hours, but he still has many pages left. (read)

5. They ____ each other for ten years. (know)

6. We ____ the house at the moment, so it’s a bit messy. (clean)

7. The sun ____ in the east. (rise)

8. I ____ to call you all morning, but your phone is off. (try)

9. She ____ French, but she’s learning quickly. (not speak)

10. My friends ____ to visit us this weekend. (come)

11. He ____ on this project for the last two weeks. (work)

12. The dog ____ in the garden right now. (run)

13. They ____ the report yet, so we’ll have to wait a bit longer. (not send)


1. My brother ____ his room every Saturday. (clean)

2. We ____ dinner right now. Can I call you back later? (have)

3. They ____ that movie three times already. (see)

4. She ____ in this company for five years. (work)

5. I ____ in the living room because the bedroom is too hot. (sleep)

6. He ____ to fix his car for hours, but it still won’t start. (try)

7. The train always ____ at 8:00 AM. (leave)

8. I ____ for you at the station for half an hour! Where were you? (wait)

9. The neighbors ____ very friendly, but they keep to themselves. (be)

10. It ____ heavily outside, so we can’t go out now. (rain)

11. She ____ for a promotion since last year. (hope)

12. They ____ in the backyard. Do you want to join them? (play)

13. We ____ this restaurant before, but I’ve heard it’s good. (not visit)